最近对56岁的理查德·莱斯特(Richard Lester)的量刑 专业赌徒 来自卢顿(Luton),标志着长达十年的国际欺诈调查的结束。 2025年2月11日,切尔姆斯福德皇冠法院(Chelmsford Crown Court)因策划了一个复杂的巡航度假骗局而判处五年监禁,欺骗了四大洲的184名受害者406,856.39英镑(509,000美元)的受害者。
对于澳大利亚退休人员金·伯森(Kim Berthen)来说,本来应该是一场浪漫的30周年巡游变成了一场财务噩梦。 “我感到愚蠢,背叛了,”她损失了8,300美元后告诉法庭。 “我们已经节省了多年,只是到达悉尼邮轮码头,发现我们的保留不存在。”伯森(Berthen)的经验反映了新南威尔士州居民伊丽莎白·厄斯金(Elizabeth Erskine)的经验,后者在丈夫的癌症缓解后预定了一次庆祝旅行。 “港口工作人员说我们的门票一文不值。当我们站在那儿抓着假文件时,我永远不会忘记看其他乘客董事会。” Erskine回忆道。
从法国到日本的受害者描述了类似的经历 – 到达劳德代尔堡到横滨的出发点,却被拒绝登机。许多人报告了莱斯特的冷酷反应策略。加拿大受害者马克·特里布莱(Mark Tremblay)说:“他将归咎于技术错误或主张我们会误解这些条款。” “当我要求向皇家加勒比海付款证明时,他建议我是'歇斯底里'。”
通过Cruise Direct UK Ltd(2009-2014)运营,Lester通过国际代理网络以大幅折扣出售了“ Cruise Miles”。像英国退休人员玛格丽特·惠特克(Margaret Whitaker,2011年)这样的早期客户获得了实际的巡游,并发布了吸引新投资者的发光评论。惠特克作证说:“我们的地中海巡游很可爱。” “我向六个朋友推荐了该计划 – 从来没有航行过。”
将214,000英镑转移到在线扑克帐户和拉斯维加斯 赌场
当Cruise Direct UK Ltd获得了世界旅行奖时,该计划在2012年获得了不知情的信誉 – 对公司业务的误解了。
调查始于2013年7月,当时英国的国家欺诈情报局注意到与巡航有关的投诉激增。领导调查的埃塞克斯警察局警察局莱恩·史密斯(Leanne Smith)描述了将案件拼凑在一起:
我们从14个时区获得了受害者声明。每个伪造的预订都需要使用嘉年华和MSC等邮轮运营商进行验证 – 没有一个记录与莱斯特的文件相匹配。
法医会计师面临着特殊的挑战,即追踪加密货币交易Lester 2016年以后使用的。“他会将斯特林转换为比特币,在线赌博,然后将奖金转移到离岸帐户,”史密斯解释说。 “它需要与国际刑警组织和联邦调查局的金融犯罪部门进行协调的努力。”
他为人们提供负担得起的奢侈品的梦想武器 – 一种比纯净的财务贪婪更有效的情感钩子。
莱斯特的计划与历史上最臭名昭著的欺诈行为分享了DNA。 1920年,意大利移民查尔斯·庞齐(Charles Ponzi)承诺在国际邮政回复券上获得50%的回报,票房为2000万美元(相当于今天的2.7亿美元)。这两个方案:
伯尼·麦道夫(Bernie Madoff)等现代变体的648亿美元欺诈(2008年)和Onecoin加密货币骗局(2019年44亿美元)展示了数字工具如何实现大规模欺骗。欺诈历史学家阿米莉亚·卡特(Amelia Carter)博士指出:“使莱斯特(Lester)的案例与众不同的是旅游业角度。” “他为人们提供负担得起的奢侈品的梦想武器 – 一种比纯粹的财务贪婪更强大的情感钩子。”
亚历山大·米尔斯(Alexander Mills)法官的量刑言论强调了心理上的操纵:“您使脆弱的人怀疑自己的理解,同时赌在高风险桌上的生活中储蓄。”为期9周的审判显示,莱斯特(Lester)在一个周末在贝拉吉奥赌场(Bellagio Casino)花了58,000英镑,并根据别名“亨利·莱斯特(Henry Lester)”将126,000英镑转移到了瑞士银行帐户。
皇家加勒比集团(Royal Caribbean Group)确认了新协议:“自2024年以来,所有通过第三方进行的预订都会生成即时验证代码,乘客可以通过我们的应用程序检查。”
In recent years, online scams have become increasingly sophisticated and widespread. Some of the most prevalent types include romance scams, imposter scams, and AI-driven scams. Romance scams often start with catfishing on dating apps, where scammers build trust before asking for money or sensitive information. Imposter scams involve scammers pretending to be trusted individuals or officials to extract financial information or money. AI-driven scams utilize advanced technology like deepfakes and voice cloning to deceive victims into divulging personal data or transferring funds.
Another significant category of online fraud is employment scams. These typically target job seekers by offering fake employment opportunities that require upfront payments for training or equipment. Additionally, cryptocurrency scams are on the rise as more people engage with digital currencies. These can involve fake investment opportunities promising unusually high returns in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It’s crucial for individuals to be cautious when dealing with unsolicited job offers or investment advice.
To protect against these online threats, it’s essential to remain vigilant and skeptical of unsolicited communications. Here are some key strategies:
: Be wary if someone claims to be a friend, relative, or official without clear evidence.
: Scammers often create a sense of urgency; take time to verify requests.
: Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication (2FA), and keep software updated.
: Avoid clicking suspicious links from emails or social media messages.
Finally, staying informed about the latest scam trends is vital in maintaining safety online. Regularly check reputable sources like consumer protection agencies for updates on emerging threats. Additionally:
Use antivirus software on all devices.
Never share personal financial information via email or phone unless you initiated contact.
Report suspicious activities immediately through platforms like the CyberTipline if you suspect a scam targeting children.
By adopting these practices and staying alert, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of falling victim to online frauds in 2025.
: Be wary if someone claims to be a friend, relative, or official without clear evidence.
: Scammers often create a sense of urgency; take time to verify requests.
: Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication (2FA), and keep software updated.
: Avoid clicking suspicious links from emails or social media messages.
Finally, staying informed about the latest scam trends is vital in maintaining safety online. Regularly check reputable sources like consumer protection agencies for updates on emerging threats. Additionally:
Use antivirus software on all devices.
Never share personal financial information via email or phone unless you initiated contact.
Report suspicious activities immediately through platforms like the CyberTipline if you suspect a scam targeting children.
By adopting these practices and staying alert, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of falling victim to online frauds in 2025.
Use antivirus software on all devices.
Never share personal financial information via email or phone unless you initiated contact.
Report suspicious activities immediately through platforms like the CyberTipline if you suspect a scam targeting children.
By adopting these practices and staying alert, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of falling victim to online frauds in 2025.
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